The Wonderful World of WeRateDogs

Grace Dwyer
3 min readSep 29, 2020


How do you feel when you see a dog? Or pet a dog? Or hug a dog? I’m thinking you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, just as I do. I don’t have a dog (I definitely want to adopt one in the future!), but I really do need a daily fix of adorable pups.

I get this from WeRateDogs, a social media campaign that rates dogs based on their cuteness. But, here’s the catch: the dogs are not rated on a scale between one to ten. Rather, they are rated above ten, just because the dogs are that great. Check out this tweet from 2016 that explains it a little better:

12/10 and 13/10 are the typical ratings, but sometimes, dogs get ratings like 14/10 or the very rare 15/10.

My love for this Twitter and Instagram page made me dive deeper into how and why it started. An article by the Clarion-Ledger said that the page took off in 2015, when college student Matt Nelson started a Twitter page full of dog photos. A poll he put out to his followers helped him to begin the rating system, and it went viral. Now, he has grossed 8.8 million followers on Twitter and 1.7 million followers on Instagram. Also, the site has a merchandise line, a calendar, a game, and a book.

I love how this page is inclusive of so many dogs. Each Friday, the account puts up a picture of a dog in need along with a link typically to a GoFundMe page so that followers can contribute to vet bills, medicine, etc. Usually, the goal of the GoFundMe amount is reached in less than a half-hour. And each Saturday is #SeniorPupSaturday, so older dogs get some love too.

A Fundraiser Posted on WeRateDogs

The massive growth of WeRateDogs in the last few years shows that a small idea can turn into something that millions of people love. If you have a gift that you know can make a profound impact on others, then I encourage you to share it! People are in need of your creativity and your talents. This page always brings a little light to my day. That is what the world needs- positivity and lightheartedness. WeRateDogs certainly delivers both.

Did you really think that I was going to leave you without some WeRateDogs posts?! Here are some of my favorites:



Grace Dwyer

Believer, Graduate Student, Runner, and Coffee Connoisseur