Navigating Social Media Ethics

Grace Dwyer
2 min readOct 20, 2020


Social media has made our world so interconnected

What is your favorite part about social media? Is it the opportunity it provides you to create content? Share life updates with family and friends? Develop a community of people with common interests and likes?

Whatever your answer may be, it shows that social media has a lot of power and influence in your life. Think about what you do in the morning. You probably wake up and make a checklist of what you need to get accomplished during the day. As you get ready and eat breakfast, you’ve more than likely have checked on Instagram or Facebook at least once.

During my years in high school and undergrad, I’ve been told to watch what I put on my social media accounts. As it continues to emerge as an important factor in our world, I fully see the truth in this. Now as a master’s student, I have been held to an even higher standard and am highly encouraged to think about the ethics behind my social media. It can either make a positive or negative impact on people. I brand myself online as I do in person. I desire to make an impression that is both encouraging and uplifting. The interactions that I have with my friends are the same that I have with online followers.

My social media ethics are developed from truths in the Bible. I want to do all for the glory of God, as 1 Corinthians 10:31 says. The smallest things we do need to reflect who He is, and social media is the perfect place to do this. On my posts, I have a high level of respect for all people, no matter their background. Positivity and lightheartedness make up the core of my posts. With the fear that can be spread, I want to be a game-changer in the world of social media.

In my journalism class, we recently talked about ethics in investigative reporting, but I believe the concept I’m about to discuss is perfect for social media ethics. As a kid, you were probably taught the Golden Rule- treating others the way that you want to be treated. Now, when you post, think of how the viewer is going to feel. Is it going to leave them feeling inspired and strengthened? Or will it leave them feeling down? You would want positive content coming from your family, friends, and favorite creators. So, I encourage you- think of the qualities you hold closest and use them to help you navigate the material you post.



Grace Dwyer

Believer, Graduate Student, Runner, and Coffee Connoisseur